Response Ability

10 months ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection]
With so much ‘on our plates’, I feel it is sometimes hard to generate our ‘Response Ability’ and act on emerging situations and/or our responsibilities! We can become ‘programmed’ or overwhelmed and easily find ourselves delegating personal ‘issues’ to the structural ‘powers that be’, while we ‘cope’ with the ‘mish mash’ of 'paradigms' and daily must do’s that the current structure of society has normalised and imposes. No harm to look at and question our own Response Ability!!

This creation falls into my 'Transitional Times' poem category which contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time in Ireland and Worldwide' created to encourage consideration, reflection and faith, in ourselves, others and God.

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” or

For more from my ‘Poem Collections’ or ‘Playlists’ see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology”

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Poem wording

Response Ability

What is your response?
What gets you to act or brings you around??
Gets you ‘up’ from lying on the ground,
Where ‘others’ feet on you impound?

How do you see your own ability?
Do you reckon your ‘dope’,
full of ‘mental agility’
or are you hiding away face in hands
believing in their lies … living in futility.
Or rationalising, ‘it’s bigger than me’
Through the guise of humility.

‘Programmed’ responses …
“it’s above my ability”
“I can’t deal with it mentally”
“I’ve nothing to hide, you see”
“They know everything about you”
“What difference can I make?”

While knowing inside,
what you both ‘feel’ and ‘see’.
The manipulation of our minds.
The control throughout our lives.
The programming patterns,
repeating through time.

I must not, I can/cannot,
I should not,
I am / I am not …
It is not ….. my ‘sole’ responsibility.

What’s their reasoning for your debility?!!!
What’s your reasoning for, your own debility?!!!
Oh, for heaven’s sake,
Hop out of the reverie.
Check your levels of response ability,
‘they’ are ‘afraid; of you at your best.
Your ‘soul light’ they detest …
So shine, self-define.

Pick an ‘issue’ that rankles.
Make the difference.
Stand up, ‘sit the soul test’.
You may not be responsible
for the entire pit of cess!
But you can use your response ability,
make it one shovel less!!
To help yourself and us all out of this mess.

Refire those neurons
before they wither and die … with all our AI.
It’s not part of the human condition
That we all see eye to eye

Just that we each express lovingly
and not allow ‘demons’ to fly!
Ultimately, Let’s get on up and protect ourselves
and our progeny, from their
continuous masonic theosophy
and the ‘white rabbit’ evil degeneracy.

Check out my ‘before you conclude’
‘check out the bias and lies,
which many confidently exude’
Research, reflect, respon.
Re attune your response ability
show your true human soul’s agility.
Don’t be ‘inhibited by conditioned rigidity’

Just thought,
Look and see how you choose, to use,
your response ability.

14th September 2023
Transitional Times Poem Collection.

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