
6 months ago

Ever found yourself at the pinnacle of frustration while deciphering the cryptic hieroglyphics otherwise known as IKEA assembly instructions? Join us as we regale you with our comedy of errors involving flat-packed furniture, our newly renovated apartment and our whimsical plans for Rapunzel-esque hair. Moreover, we dive into the maze of being liked by others, and the journey towards self-embrace. Plus, get the lowdown on a hilarious pub performance and an upcoming emceeing gig at the Oak Park Library!

Now, imagine shifting from a spiral of negativity just by pondering over apples and bananas. Sounds peculiar? It is, and we'll tell you all about it! We also touch on the ick-factor of creatures living within us (tapeworms, anyone?). But fret not, we move swiftly onto happier trails. So here's your invitation to share in our joy, laughter, and the occasional gross-out moments. Don't miss out on our upcoming storytelling event at the library where we delve deeper into our adventures in positivity and self-love. So, get comfortable and get ready for a rollercoaster ride of ramblings and revelations.

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