Alex Jones Unpacks Government’s Mystic Obsessions and CIA’s Psychic Research on Russell Brand Show

7 months ago

WATCH: Alex Jones Unpacks Government’s Mystic Obsessions and CIA’s Psychic Research on Russell Brand Show

Alex Jones claims government organizations, from the CIA to Hitler’s Nazis, “were all obsessed with mysticism,” unveiling a hidden history of global leaders’ fascination with the occult.

But it gets even more intriguing. The CIA, according to Jones, has poured billions into uncovering psychic phenomena:

“… the CIA has spent hundreds of billions of dollars conservatively over the last 70 years... what they found was… it’s very real, but they can’t control it… so they’d rather chemicalized and dumb down and poison the public to lower consciousness, so that they don’t have to deal with that wildcard.”

These startling statements open Pandora’s box of questions:

How far has the CIA taken these psychic explorations?

What does this mean for the public’s understanding of history and current global dynamics?

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