Depopulation in Progress

10 months ago

The secret planners of the cabal that think they are in charge of us all, have a long-term goal of depopulation and control.

Their planned and implemented poisons and frequencies target old folks no longer useful in their debt slavery system. Life-span is limited as health deteriorates to early death.

They also go after young folks of child-bearing age or younger. For examples, children and young adults are injected with and subjected to poisonous concoctions, or killed in wars, eliminating many and sterilizing others, preventing them from generating offspring.

Population growth is leveling off, especially in advanced societies like the USA. Replacements for the work force are being brought in across the border, but even those may be substituted with robots before long.

~ Yeswise Education Service – – holistic learning modules:
health, poisons, survival, the conglomerate empire, holistic philosophy
~ program notes, archives, resources –
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