CBS Notices, But Sympathizes With Surging Chinese Illegals At Border

7 months ago

On the one hand, good on CBS Mornings for noticing on Friday that one recent trend in the seemingly never-ending invasion of illegal immigrants across the U.S. southern border now includes tens of thousands from China. On the other hand, CBS showed little to no concern at this problem and relied on the usual trope of commiserating with the illegal aliens in the predictable narrative that they simply want a better life. CBS’s also failed from a labeling standpoint, refusing to label China’s a certain c-word: communist.

INSANE: 'CBS Mornings' had a full story (over four-minutes long) cheering the explosion of Chinese illegal immigrants pouring across the U.S. southern border. Nothing about the country being communist and run by a regime with concentration camps. Instead, they said what the media usually say about illegals from Central and South America: They just want a better life. "A surge of people with their hopes crushed by China’s weak economy, repression, and corruption." One Chinese-American immigration lawyer boasted that these people will be great since "a lot of employers need low-paid employees."

• More at: NewsBusters - CBS Unconcerned by Explosion of Chinese Illegal Immigrants, Gives Them Sympathy

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