Heaven Land Devotions - The Live Coals of Love

6 months ago

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When we increasingly become serious in following the Lord our prayers become serious too. We begin to pray with more intensity for Him to do whatever it takes to make us ready. We do this because we can feel a kind of a cul-de-sac in our growth. There is a powerful yearning to go up higher with Him.

These prayers plead with Him to "search us out and see if there be any wicked way in us and to lead us in the way everlasting." Then He answers us quite swiftly.

A few days ago what seemed okay brought about a darkness and a heaviness upon me. In the morning the Lord revealed some things to me that He wanted purged forever.

As we advance in the Lord in spiritual maturity there comes a time when He will no longer put up with some kind of concentrated sin in us. He will take the "live coal" from off of His altar and apply it directly to that sin to purge it and make us ready to send.

Let the cleansing fire be applied where sin has been concentrated in you. Then receive His hand up the Mountain of His Holiness.

"Man finds it hard to get what he wants, because he does not want the best; God finds it hard to give, because He would give the best, and man will not take it."
~ George MacDonald

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