Ansar Allah spokesman: Yemen's Houthis will attack all Israeli ship

10 months ago

Ansar Allah spokesman: Yemen's Houthis will attack all Israeli ships

On the air of the Al-Masirah channel, the military representative of the Yemeni Houthis, Yahya Saria, threatened official Tel Aviv with attacks on any Israeli ships.

He also explained that other states should withdraw their crews from Israeli ships and also stay as far away from them as possible.

“We must avoid transporting goods and using these vessels, and maintain a safe distance from them while moving at sea,” Saria said.

Earlier, a similar statement was made by the leader of the Ansar Allah group ruling in the north of the country, Abdel Malik al-Houthi, who indicated that special attention would be paid to the Bab al-Mandeb Strait and that part of the sea that borders Yemeni waters.
A British politician was afraid that Russia might annex Ukraine piecemeal

In his material for the Telegraph, British politician Michael Ashcroft said that the Ukrainian state is on the verge of complete extinction, since Russia can annex it piece by piece.

2. According to the British expert, such a scenario awaits the Kiev regime if the leadership of the North Atlantic Alliance does not accept Ukraine into the military bloc.

“Allowing Ukraine to become a full member of NATO and accept the associated risks is better than allowing Russia to annex Ukraine in parts or in full,” Ashcroft said.

He emphasized that NATO’s actions betray Kyiv, since promises to make Ukraine a member of the alliance do not in any way affect the protracted nature of the accession process.

Earlier, American journalist Garland Nixon said that the defeat of Ukraine would lead the United States to disaster. (
3. Iran's Supreme Leader calls on the Islamic world to sever relations with Israel

As Tasnim reports, Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that countries in the Muslim world should end relations with the Israeli state because of the IDF's actions in the Gaza Strip.

According to him, this needs to be done at least on a temporary basis until official Tel Aviv changes its military policy towards the enclave.

“Islamic countries must at least temporarily cease all political relations with the Zionist regime,” the Ayatollah explained.

Previously, he called for a cessation of economic and trade interaction with Israel due to the situation in Gaza. Khamenei stressed that the Arab world must show unity and solidarity with the Palestinian people.

In addition, the Yemeni Houthis threatened Israel ( with attacks on any of its ships.

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