Markwayne Mullin~" This Is A Place" Was Threatened by Thug Sean O’Brien, Democrat Slush Fund Owner!

9 months ago

Sean O’Brien, the president of the "International Brotherhood of Teamsters" First he sent a message post Threatening Congressman Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma who was just responding to the threat that started from O'Brien, which he owns a charity democrat slush fund that sends money over to Ukraine and Iran Foreign countries, terrorist organizations like Hezzbollah and Hamas and money flows back into crooked democrats bank accounts which is nothing more than a Similar Case of FTX money laundering or racketeering and fraud, thats why O'brien was subpoenaed into congress because of his illegal activities of International money laundering through his Slush Fund Charity "International Brotherhood of Teamsters" which is a Jihadi back-channel fund of money laundering to terrorist, he went around Capitol hill threatening representatives because he is being brought up on charges for all his illegal activities.

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