If it Retains “Implied” Powers, Is the Constitution Still Safe Enough to Restore Limited Government?

1 year ago

If it Retains “Implied” Powers, Is the Constitution Still Safe Enough to Restore Limited Government?

Bob Fiedler - Founder, Legalese Podcast
LegalesePodcast.com, LegaleseShow.com

FREEDOM HUB – Your-mp.com
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Published at the Tenth Amendment Center, the Libertarian Institute, and elsewhere, Mr. Fiedler presented last year on Freedom Hub on how it was a mistake for our Founders to replace (in 1787) the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution. One of the reasons for that claim stems from vague wording in the latter document that has enabled corrupt justices at the Supreme Court to progressively neuter the supposed limits on government power contained in the Constitution. On Thursday we will explore one of those vague clauses – one that enabled one of the worst sources of corruption and tyranny in America: the Federal Reserve. America’s central bank.
When fear over European revenge on our young Republic pushed President Madison to succumb to pressure and to revive the National Bank his Republican movement had effectively killed with the election of Jefferson, that un-American institution crashed our economy with the 1819 recession after the bank survived a constitutional challenge in the Supreme Court. (Remember what we said about ‘vague wording?’ It was the corrupt court of John Marshall who ignored 10th Amendment limits on federal power, to instead broadly interpret the Necessary and Proper Clause. That is, the central bank was “Necessary and Proper” in order to carry out other federal powers.
This interpretation effectively removed any future limit on the national government – from the New Deal to ObamaCare – and the Deep Administrative State that has become the sworn enemy of America’s promise. Bob will also be discussing his new book, the “Constitutional Sleight Of Hand – An Explicit History of Implied Powers.”

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