03 Ep#496 The Distressed Inner Child and a Holiday Navigation Guide

1 year ago

Don’t all of your issues seem to be exacerbated by the holiday season? We’re spending increased amounts of time with people and/or family who may have wounded us or still do. We may feel pressured and obligated by Great Expectations for how things “should” be. Perhaps we labor under the financial burden such expectations add; the sometimes extreme changes in environment, sleep, and schedules at work and with travel that can cause burnout; the many occasions for over-stimulation for us or our kids; the sheer amounts and types of food; stifling grief while feeling forced to put on the happy face; sibling rivalries; inferiority complexes; self-medication and addiction triggers; seasonal depression and lack of sunlight; questions and insinuations from others about “where you are” in life.

If all of that feels overwhelming to you, perhaps you can see why the holiday season causes your inner child to feel distressed and begin “acting out” in order to get your attention?

And why all the guilt for simply wanting to hibernate until the whole season is over, or needing to limit exposure to the entire bit? What if the guilt is driven by a trauma bond?

Here are six Ps for navigating the holidays and making them more peaceful and happy: Predict, Prepare, Plan, Priorities, Peace, Pivot.

Get the whole series here: https://www.biblestudyevangelista.com/lovetheword/

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