Christians helping Black slaves in Ohio and providing education and more.

9 months ago

Yellow Springs and this colony we a bastion for Blacks that knew they would be safe if they were to make it to Ohio. On October 5, 1850, the General Convention of the Christian Church passed a resolution stating "that our responsibility to the community, and the advancement of our interests as a Christian denomination, demand of us the establishing of Antioch College. This wonderful early American history story once again demonstrates how Christians were involved with rescuing and caring for Black people. The college also had both Black and White students. This The Conway Colony, a group of 30 freed slaves who were transported by Moncure D. Conway, the abolitionist son of their former owner, were settled in this village in 1862. 11/18/23 Yellow Springs, Ohio We at the ME Foundation are setting people free in countries where Christians need to have more freedom.

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