Opening Speech at the Inaugural ARC Conference 2023 | Philippa Stroud

1 year ago

Welcome to the ARC Conference 2023! This was the opening speech at the ARC Conference, from day 1 of the ARC Conference. Baroness Philippa Stroud is co-founder and CEO of ARC and Member of the House of Lords. Previously, she was CEO of the Legatum Institute and the Centre for Social Justice, and served as Special Advisor for both the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Prime Minister David Cameron.

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ARC, the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship, is a global community with a vision of a world where every citizen can prosper, contribute, and flourish.

Join us in building this narrative, rejecting the notion of inevitable decline. Instead, let's seek solutions that tap into humanity's highest virtues and remarkable capacity for innovation and ingenuity.

The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship has also published several research papers that accompanied the 2023 conference. If you'd like to go deeper into the ideas from the conference, please read our research papers here:

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