Are A.I doctors smarter than real doctors?

7 months ago

Are A.I. doctors smarter than real doctors?

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00:05 AI doctors have value in processing large amounts of data quickly.

02:29 AI doctors can replace human doctors in certain areas of healthcare.

04:35 AI doctors can analyze data and interpret tests, but struggle with non-verbal cues and behavior change.

06:53 AI doctors may reduce medical costs but cannot provide the same level of empathy and care as human doctors.

08:56 AI has the potential to automate certain physician services, such as radiology, leading to cost savings and disruption in the healthcare industry.

11:11 Automation in healthcare will replace certain roles and increase efficiency.

13:16 AI can generate content based on social media data, leading to a flooding of content on the market.

15:34 Technologies like electromagnetic radiation can potentially influence and control our thoughts.

17:43 It's important not to become overly reliant on technology.

19:39 Being healthy and connected with yourself and nature is super important.

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