11/21/23 The Son of David "Who is Jesus?" part 2 S3E16p2

1 year ago

11/21/23 The Son of David "Who is Jesus?" part 2
My confession for today is that I did not know Jesus Christ when I began to learn the Bible. In fact, I focused primarily on the Old Testament because I didn’t want to learn about Him. I’d heard His name at churches for my whole life, 20+ years by then, but somehow didn’t know Him at all and blamed Him for the blandness of my church experiences. But when I asked my friend who was teaching me from the Scriptures, “What’s so special about Jesus? How do we know He wasn’t just another prophet?”, well that changed everything. So today we’re going to meet the Jesus of prophecy, the “Son of David,” to use a prophetic term which is also today’s show title. The Jesus willing to prove that He’s not “just another prophet!” Grab your Bibles, and welcome.

There are so many different versions of Jesus in the world and culture, so this week we’re getting to know the Jesus of the Bible.

Season 3 Episode 16
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