Tne Kazarian's are losing power (Benjamin Fulford Fact or Fiction)

10 months ago

00:00:00:17 - 00:00:35:18
Speaker 1
Impossible for people to ignore at this point. What's happening is that the group that has been controlling human history literally for thousands of years is actually losing power. When I say human, I should say more, mostly western, Middle Eastern history, monotheistic history, let's put it that way. And the signs they are losing are that their big plans that they made decades in advance aren't working.

00:00:36:08 - 00:01:06:28
Speaker 1
The case in point being, the Ukraine. They have been literally for centuries planning to rebuild the ancient kingdom of Kazarian as a safe, manic state to rule the world from. And the whole plan was thwarted by Russia once again, the original destroyers of the original area. They stopped the attempt to take over Kazakhstan. And now the campaign in the Ukraine is blowing up, too.

00:01:08:11 - 00:01:34:17
Speaker 1
Ukraine's top general general, the anti pardon me if I got that pronounced wrong, but he is the head of the armed forces. He has declared war against the Lansky and his clique. They are aware that they were being genocidal by their leaders in order to depopulate Ukraine and create a homeland for the covariance. And that part of the plan is not working.

00:01:34:17 - 00:02:08:18
Speaker 1
Not only have they failed to defeat Russia or created a state there, but the Ukraine itself will soon cease to exist. Now, the other part of their plan that is failing big time is the one in Israel, which is not what you are seeing in the hysterical, constant media reporting about what's going on in Gaza. We now know for sure that the arms and the missiles that were given to Hezbollah are the Hezbollah militia.

00:02:08:18 - 00:02:43:10
Speaker 1
The famous 150,000 missiles that could destroy Israel were sent to them from the Ukraine and by the Kazarian mafia. The reason why is because the Rothschilds have lost their license to control Israel leading. They are no longer the owners of that place. And as I mentioned before, what they've been trying to do now is to provoke all the neighboring countries to attack Israel in order to force the Jews there to be evacuated to their new kingdom in the Ukraine.

00:02:43:12 - 00:03:10:29
Speaker 1
Kazarian And that plan is failing because guess what? Despite all the provocations and the incredible media campaign, I mean, there is, you know, 10,000 people have been killed and they did murder a bunch of their own Israeli people to get this started. But the exaggeration this way over the board, but nonetheless, Iran is not attacking, Hezbollah is not attacking.

00:03:10:29 - 00:03:39:29
Speaker 1
Nobody is attacking them. That means that they don't have the excuse to evacuate the Jewish people out of Israel. And that is a very terminal situation for them because what's happened is that the Jewish people have finally figured out that the Nazis were the Zionists, that the Nazis were German Jews, saboteurs and Franco's Jews. This is factually true.

00:03:40:17 - 00:04:10:16
Speaker 1
So they can. And what's happening now is that they're actually arresting Jewish people on charges of anti-Semitism. In other words, they're coming out of the closet as sadists, pure and simple. And we saw that when they had there, they had a gathering in Malta of the satanic leadership, the military command, and it was supposedly about the Ukraine. But if you look at the manifesto they issued, basically it's a bunch of threats.

00:04:10:19 - 00:04:36:03
Speaker 1
They're going to cause nuclear terror. They're going destroy nuclear plants, they're going to cause hunger crises. They're going to disrupt energy. Their, you know, basically threatening to take the world down with them. But they don't have the ability to do that. They don't have the power, for one thing. The de facto the U.S. military is not a them.

00:04:36:03 - 00:05:03:19
Speaker 1
They're not about to start World War Three and the Middle East for a bunch of Satanists. The Jews aren't following them either. The only ones who are now, along with the program, I would say, are the ones who are themselves not actually Jews, but Satan. So without a slave population, these people are powerless. Now, the other big thing that's happening, of course, is the ongoing implosion of the United States and the political structure there.

00:05:03:28 - 00:05:29:01
Speaker 1
Now, I don't I don't pay too much attention to the ongoing soap opera, you know, Trump, you know, being on trial and January six and all this sort of stuff where they're both reading from the same script, you know, designed to get Americans to be constantly fighting each other. Because what's happening is the Americans are a unifying against what they call the deep state, what I call the Bolivarian Mafia.

00:05:29:27 - 00:05:52:29
Speaker 1
But they're going to have a crisis first. The United States has now used up a strategic petroleum reserve. They run out and they can't buy enough oil. And that's why they're saying this winter there will not be enough heating oil. So people are going to get very cold. In other words, they do some kind of complete collapse of the system.

00:05:53:12 - 00:06:23:17
Speaker 1
And the other thing that's happening, of course, is that their treasury market is imploding. People aren't buying U.S. debt. They hacked the major Chinese bank, hit it with ransomware to try to stop them from selling U.S. treasuries. But, you know, you cannot deny reality, buy with lies and threats and cyberattacks, because the reality is that the physical goods that are put into ships and transported, I'm going to be paid for.

00:06:24:07 - 00:07:04:29
Speaker 1
And that's the other thing that's happening. So we're seeing the the collapse of their system and it's hard to say exactly when or how, but for sure I have to agree to a certain extent with the Q people in that, you know, we needed to give them enough rope so that they could hang themselves. In other words, they needed to be exposed for all to see, for the blind sleeping sheeple to finally wake up to the fact that it's the shepherd that kills the sheep, not the wolf, and that they're being you know, they tried to kill everybody with the vaccines and people are now aware of this.

00:07:05:23 - 00:07:32:12
Speaker 1
That's why, you know, only 7% are now taking them. The population, despite incredible propaganda and they're realizing that the good political show, the seeing on their screens is still raw and has nothing to do with the will of the American people. So, you know, but by exposing them, it helped a lot wake people up, but they still a big cleanup to be made.

00:07:32:28 - 00:08:00:07
Speaker 1
For example, I saw that King Charles made a speech which was a complete sham. And I heard from high level British intelligence that he will be removed. He is not the king of England. He is just a puppet of the Satanists and he's come out of the closet as such with his speech, you know, refusing to condemn mass murder by the satanic Netanyahu regime, for example.

00:08:00:22 - 00:08:24:29
Speaker 1
A lot of other things, you know, repeating lies about the Ukraine. In other words, they've exposed their top agent in England, Simon Case, who was the chief cabinet secretary and the real power there. He's gone. He's he's left the scene. He's not in power. So the White has now taken over England, the United States. It's a bit more problematic.

00:08:24:29 - 00:08:47:28
Speaker 1
I think that once again, the situation is that Donald Trump is the lesser evil. But we're hoping that Colonel Douglas MacGregor and his people will move in and restore sanity and democracy and rule of law to the United States. And, of course, there's a lot more chaos and turbulence, because what we're still going to see a collapse, and that is going to be dirty and messy.

00:08:48:07 - 00:09:16:07
Speaker 1
We now know there are about 3 million men, military age males inside the United States who are being paid by the the banksters, the Kazarian Mafia, that they have these debit cards, they're replenished every month and they're standing by to cause mayhem in the United States. They're already doing it in Europe. You know, in Sweden, all 96% of the crime is committed by such people.

00:09:17:12 - 00:09:51:11
Speaker 1
And they're forcing a reaction against them. So it is happening. But the other thing people need to understand is that outside of the bubble of the West, the world is a very different place. If you look at the Chinese official news agency, for example, they hardly mention Gaza at all. It's like very low on their news cycle. They're not you know, they're talking about building new railways and having an economy that's in harmony with nature.

00:09:52:01 - 00:10:16:15
Speaker 1
You know, it's the sort of stuff that people want. People want better lives. They don't want eternal fear and mayhem and warfare. And the Russians are also coming out and saying, hey, you know what, the people who rule the West are going to say whatever they enter our country, they will cause disruption. This humanitarian crisis, you know, as you know, and the refugees.

00:10:16:15 - 00:10:38:13
Speaker 1
And of course, what is really going on is we're dealing with a clique of flavors. So whenever they cause one of their wars or their disasters, they move in and they kill the man and enslave the woman and sell the children for a greener chrome. And that's been cut off. They're losing the ability to slaughter Ukrainians. They only managed to get a couple thousand.

00:10:38:22 - 00:10:58:06
Speaker 1
They only managed from their point of view, they need tens of thousands, but they only got a couple thousand out of Hawaii. And then they're grabbing some kids in Acapulco. But I heard the U.S. military, the Mexican military stopping them. So they are really, you know, running out of their ability to cause mayhem. We're still going to see more.

00:10:58:14 - 00:11:27:17
Speaker 1
And until they are directed energy weapons are taken out of commission, it's going to be some pretty hairy stuff happening. But I do talk to senior intelligence types and military types. And, you know, the sanity will rule at the end of the day. So hang in there, folks. We're in the middle of a systems collapse for the West and, you know, a much better system will rise like a Phenix from the ashes.

00:11:27:17 - 00:11:47:04
Speaker 1
But for now, prepare for chaos. It's these people aren't willing to hand over power peacefully, so it's going to be messy. Well, anyway, that's what I have to say for myself today. And I'd like to answer questions from readers and viewers.

00:11:49:13 - 00:12:07:28
Speaker 2
I mean, we have our first question for today. I'm not sure how you can classify Cheney as Cheney as a white hat slash good for humanity side player. There is a tremendous amount of evidence against him. He is up there with Bush, senior Bill Gates, Clintons, etc.. Please justify your position.

00:12:09:06 - 00:12:39:02
Speaker 1
All right. I guess I always thought of Cheney is one of the top bad guys until I actually, you know, corresponded with him on a weekly basis for close to a decade or more than a decade. And at least in the last part of his life, he was trying to free the United States from satanic control. He was a very, very strong supporter of Donald Trump.

00:12:39:08 - 00:13:07:28
Speaker 1
Now, I know that a lot of people have questions about him, but that was what Cheney was. And he was, you know, arresting pedophiles and removing them. He cleaned up, helped cleaned up Hollywood, for example. So you see, I deal with primary sources. I actually contact Dick Cheney. So I trust that more than something I read from, you know, a third party because it's straight from the horse's mouth.

00:13:07:29 - 00:13:25:03
Speaker 1
So, you know, I know that the man was deeply flawed and he had an evil side and he was probably involved in a lot of bad things. But at least in the ten years I knew him, he was fighting hard to, you know, well, make America great again. So, you know, he was one of the big MAGA people.

00:13:25:22 - 00:13:51:02
Speaker 1
And that's why, you know, because of that interaction, I give him the benefit of the doubt. And he provided me with a lot of very valuable information over the years, which was then passed on to my readers. He was one of my big Pentagon sources. So I understand that you could get the highest levels of power. You have to be Machiavellian.

00:13:51:02 - 00:14:14:26
Speaker 1
And I'm not saying the man was an angel, but all I can say is that, again, repeating during the ten years or so I was interacting with him. Most of the communications I got seemed to be from a patriot who wanted to restore America back to, you know, democracy and sanity next question.

00:14:17:05 - 00:14:38:10
Speaker 2
Hello, Ben. How do you feel? The white hat war lines up with the Q intelligence drops. It seems that many of the questions and statements posed by the operation are coming true. You are indicating that this war is winding up in the board did say they were saving Israel for last. I find that alone to be very telling given current world events.

00:14:38:19 - 00:15:03:16
Speaker 2
Along with that, it appears that Trump is commander in chief and there is a rumor that the real Trump is safe inside Mount Sharp and working with the loyal U.S. military, conducting the OP with the other capitulated government governments and the one we see at rallies and screens is an actor. It would be interesting to have your thoughts on this as you feel that Trump is only a cabal puppet, but the keyboard indicates he is a patriot.

00:15:03:25 - 00:15:09:12
Speaker 2
I'd like you to clarify your position on Trump. Thank you for your analysis and informative reporting.

00:15:10:19 - 00:15:34:20
Speaker 1
Okay. What happened? I think what's happening with Trump is that it's a part of a very sophisticated campaign to destroy his image. They do put a fake Trump on the TV screen. And you know what? Go back to 2021. Who is using this fake Trump as a fill in so he didn't have to spend all his time in press conferences.

00:15:34:21 - 00:16:00:17
Speaker 1
And you see he's got loose jowls and way around the eyes and he never appeared with Melania. Millennium only appeared with the real Trump, who looked a lot better. And what I have been told by senior CIA type sources is that the real Trump was evacuated to Mt. Zion in 2020 and that the one we've been seeing is the substitute who's been trying to do two things.

00:16:00:17 - 00:16:29:18
Speaker 1
One is co-opt the Trump people and sort of act like a pied piper, lead him the wrong direction. And the other was to lower the Trump image and I think the real Trump is coming back, and I think he'll get revenge on this actor who's been ruining this image. But, you know, there's a lot of misinformation and confusion and I have to keep watching the situation.

00:16:29:18 - 00:16:50:26
Speaker 1
But if the real Trump is the real commander in chief, you know, he needs to shut off that entire political show that's on the screens and restore real democracy. But first, declare martial law and clean out the Satanists from the United States. So let's see if he can do it. But I hope the Q people are right and I hope they succeed.

00:16:51:15 - 00:17:14:08
Speaker 1
But, you know, a way in apart from the Q people, there are other white hats in, for example, British intelligence, and they're Asian secret societies. The Russians and the rest of the world, too, are now, you know, fighting against the Satanists. So the Q people aren't alone. The whole world is now, you know, rising against these people. But, you know, I think overall, it's been a good movement.

00:17:14:08 - 00:17:22:17
Speaker 1
And I hope they succeed. I hope that they they are right. Next question.

00:17:23:08 - 00:17:36:24
Speaker 2
Hi, Benjamin. I've heard this several times over not to get your dogs or cats, other pets vaccinated because they are putting the poisons in those vials as well. Have you heard anything about this? And if not, could you look into it?

00:17:37:27 - 00:18:02:26
Speaker 1
Are all I can say. I'm going to have to look into that. But I do know, I hope here in Japan, I have plenty of friends and acquaintances who have pets and will get them vaccinated, at least here. And nothing's happening to the pets that I'm seeing. I haven't seen many reports about lots of dog and animal deaths, so at this point I don't think so.

00:18:02:26 - 00:18:08:19
Speaker 1
But I'll look into it. Next question.

00:18:09:07 - 00:18:28:29
Speaker 2
Gene Decode talks about the dorms, deep underground military bases and the mangroves that crisscross the globe underground. This is all run by the Satanist military, and the clean out has been taking many years since Trump was elected. How long do you expect this cleanup of the dump to take?

00:18:30:16 - 00:18:57:06
Speaker 1
You know, that's a dumb question. I'm sure it's a bad pun. It's a good question about deep underground military bases. I've been getting a lot of reports about this, but there's so many question marks on the whole subject. One thing you do notice, though, is that there are lots of shallow earthquakes that's around ten kilometers deep, which is not a sign of a dump being taken out.

00:18:57:06 - 00:19:26:17
Speaker 1
And when you look at the seismograph, it starts with the big bang. And then which is what happens when you have an explosion as opposed to a natural earthquake. So there is some kind of underground war taking place. I was contacted by some people in who said that a huge facility near Washington, D.C. was taken out and that prevented the cabal from starting all nuclear war around the time of 2012 so that they lost their ability to escape underground.

00:19:27:01 - 00:19:50:23
Speaker 1
I have talked to other people who claim to have ridden on these maglev trains who say the whole network is shut down right now. But there are so many questions that I'm not exactly sure what's going on with the DOMS, but there is something going on and with some kind of underground war for sure. Hopefully we'll find out more the truth soon.

00:19:50:23 - 00:20:00:03
Speaker 1
But. But, yes, you know, they built a giant worldwide network of underground stuff during the Cold War when they were expecting an all out nuclear war.

00:20:02:17 - 00:20:26:04
Speaker 1
Look at the movie. Doctors Strangelove to get an idea into their thinking. And it's still a classic, but clearly there is an underground war and we'll see in time. Hopefully we'll find out more about the truth and no more. But these a lot of question marks that I just can't answer on that whole subject. Next question.

00:20:26:04 - 00:20:40:11
Speaker 2
Ivan. We have our last question for today. Do you know anything about what is happening to Armenia? I've heard rumors of nefarious activity there, and I'm wondering how true these rumors are. Your insight would be greatly appreciated.

00:20:41:10 - 00:21:07:09
Speaker 1
All I know is that they put a cabal Kazarian Mafia leader in charge there, and he was supposed to start a big war there. But the Russians and the Azerbaijanis clamp down and the whole thing was stopped. So it looks like there was a failed attempt to open another front. On a war front, there, and it has been stopped.

00:21:08:00 - 00:21:34:23
Speaker 1
But I'll try to find out more from my Russian sources. All I know that you can see that there was an attempt to start a war and it failed. So I think Armenia is going to be okay. All right. Well, next week we should find out if they finally shut down the US government show or not. And we'll see if, you know, the world is able to stop the mayhem in Israel.

00:21:35:13 - 00:21:46:13
Speaker 1
But we are dealing with a cornered, dangerous beast. And I can predict for sure is that going to be a lot of volatility? Okay. I hope to see you next week.

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