The Universe Meets You Half Way

7 months ago

In this November 17th 2023 edition of "Tune In with Tony", a message from spirit is about "The Universe Meets You Half Way" Information and meditation on a method of the way spirit communicates with you telling you that the Universe will met you about half way if you really want something. This podcast talks about the idea that if you want something from your soul the thing that you want also wants you too.

When two people that love each other that see each other at the airport they run towards each other to meet in the middle to embrace and welcome each other. We don't take the whole trip to manifesting all by ourselves. This is a great message which you must hear.

In this podcast we used the Aura Clearing Tuning Fork & Drums Meditation: this will help you connect you to spirit. This soundtrack is excellent to help clear heavier energies within you so you can stay in the higher realms longer because it will feel like you belong there.

Tony channels spirit to illustrate the concept that the Universe will meet with you half way just like the EuroTunnel that was built in the 1990's between England and France. There is a beautiful example here and story of two nations wanting to connect with each other underneath the most dangerous waters of the English Channel.

Meditation only podcast channel with Tony and his Tuning Forks:

Please do not operate heavy machinery, drive, ride, or do activity while the podcast is on as it will alter your state in a more meditative state of receiving. This is not a background soundtrack while you are doing housework, reading, or any other activity. You need to place yourself in receiving mode and take it in so you can let something out. Enjoy!

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Tony Gyenis conducts free weekly on-line Tuning Fork meditation on Fridays at 1:30pm ET called Tune In with Tony. Check it out and join his class if you are looking for on-going insight to help you through these difficult times. Book your spot here:

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