People Support These Amalekite Lizards Masquerading as Israelis, Gotta Be Kiddin Me

8 months ago

Watch at Own Risk People Support These Amalekite Lizards Masquerading as Israelis, Gotta Be Kiddin Me
A Doctor from a Hospital in the Gaza Strip, reports by telephone that people with life-threatening injuries who need limbs amputated, have to undergo the amputations WITHOUT ANESTHESIA because there is none left in Gaza. Even worse . . THIS is what is being done in the name of "Self Defense" by Israel.
The Gaza situation is a Holocaust; being carried out by the collective West. Western diplomats in your country are paid to support this. Mainstream western journalists across the globe will lose their jobs if they oppose the ongoing genocide.This is the true meaning of Western "values.".The Doctor reports that amputee wounds have maggots ("worms") growing in them because there are no antibiotics to prevent Bacterial infections.

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