Why ride? #harleydavison #motorcycle

7 months ago

Why ride? If I had to explain it below….

Long story:
Imagine you’ve had an absolutely head wrecker of a day, come home, the dogs sh’t the carpet, you’ve run out of cleaning products, there’s a power cut, the internets took a dump, there’s another letter from the mortgage company to scare you into some dumb new interest rate, you’re down to your last £20!
Siphon some petrol out the bike tank, set fire to the house, let the dog go free, jump on the bike, put £15 in the tank, £5 for food
Twist the throttle and roar off down the road.
Within 30 seconds, your burning life will be in the rear view and the future will be under your front wheel being crushed by your combustion engine!
You are at that point the master of your own destiny.
Just you, the road and a fast untamed beast under your legs that just wants to rip your head off if you don’t spank it.

It’s your choice to go back home when the fuel runs out or sell your a$$ on the corner so you can keep going!

Short story…
It goes fast
You go weeeee

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