AEW Full Gear 2023 Ricky Starks/Big Bill v LFI v FTR v Kings of The Black Throne for AEW Tag Titles

7 months ago

The AEW Tag Team Championship will be on the line at AEW Full Gear 2023 in a four-way match between Ricky Starks and Big Bill, LFI, FTR, and Kings of The Black Throne.

Ricky Starks and Big Bill have been one of the most dominant tag teams in AEW since they formed their partnership. They have defeated some of the best teams in the company, including The Young Bucks and The Acclaimed. They are now looking to add the AEW Tag Team Championship to their trophy case.

LFI is a new team in AEW, but they have already made a big impact. They are led by Rush, who is one of the most exciting wrestlers in the world. They are also joined by Dralístico and Preston Vance, who are two of the most talented wrestlers in AEW. LFI is looking to win the AEW Tag Team Championship and make a statement to the rest of the division.

FTR is one of the most experienced tag teams in AEW. They have won tag team championships in ROH, NJPW, and AAA. They are now looking to add the AEW Tag Team Championship to their list of accomplishments. FTR is a formidable opponent for any team, and they will be looking to prove that they are the best tag team in AEW.

Kings of The Black Throne is a tag team from AEW Collision. They are led by Malakai Black, who is a powerful and imposing wrestler. They are also joined by Brody King, and Buddy Mathews who are skilled Poweful and agile wrestler. Kings of The Black Throne is looking to win the AEW Tag Team Championship and make a name for themselves on AEW Dynamite.

This four-way match is sure to be a classic. All four teams are evenly matched, and it is hard to say who will come out victorious. The AEW Tag Team Championship will be on the line, and the stakes will be high. Don't miss this exciting match at AEW Full Gear 2023!

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