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15 seconds

Dr. Marivic Villa's Presentation

1 year ago

A Clinical Experience: Post C-19 Vaccination Complications and Injuries in a Senior Population.


  • 0/2000
  • Wonderful teaching explanations Dr Villa !!

  • Dr Villa are you aware that people in the US cannot even have their disability applications LOOKED AT for at least a year and a half. This was on the News. Also the Life Insurance companies are complaining their monies are being wiped out because of claims from the 18 to 40 yr old employed age deaths , according to Edward Dowd , well respected former Wall Street portfolio manager. Costco required the C19 shots for their employees and then in PBC ,they had an outbreak of hepatitis and were checking the skin of all employees before they left the store when I was there.

  • One distraction Dr Villa, the vanishing and reappearing hair bun ! LOL !!! Augmented NAC and nebulizing with 3% food grade H202 and sterile saline have worked well for us according to Dr Levy's book " Rapid Virus Recovery' free book on Lew Rockwell's site. ( no shots here just worried about shedding per Pfizer's own documents.) Dr Zelenko's Zstack my husband used as a preventative and Ivermectin. I also use red light therapy. I am waiting for you to create a third party tested supplement combo , herbal teas and such.