the most illegal business in the world- SILK ROAD

1 year ago

THE INSANE STORY OF SILK ROAD - The illegal online marketplace on the darkweb, where you can buy
ANYTHING imagine.. Welcome to: "A Journey Into The Dark Web: The INSANE Story of Silk Road".
Beneath the normal internet we all know -like YouTube, Facebook, and Google - there lies the dark web
an anonymous unregulated world, with websites not accessible from search engines, a hidden corner
of the internet where anything goes. For a while, the biggest site on the dark web was Silk Road, an
online black market for all kinds of illegal goods and services. But what's perhaps most surprising of all
about this, is who was behind this illegal empire. Meet Ross Ulbricht, Silk Road's creator. Ross grew up
in a loving family in Texas. He was a boy scout as a kid, studied physics at university, and was thought
of as a very sweet guy by all his friends and family . So, magine their shock, when they realized Ross
was the criminal mastermind behind the largest online drug empire in history, responsible for over $1.2
billion dollars worth of sales of illegal goods and services. Not just that, but this sweet kid had
reportedly paid hit men to kill his enemies.... Or, did he? To this day there is debate over whether Ross
is guilty or not
In this Silk Road documentary, we're going to dive into the murky world of the dark web and explore the
true story behind the infamous Silk Road marketplace. We're also going to look at how the government
really managed to track down Ross, despite the fact that Ross was using the Tor browser which made
him completely anonymous. How do you find someone who can't be tracked? This is a true story filled
with mysteries, twists and even a couple of corrupt government agents. Welcome to the fascinating
story of the Silk Road website on the dark web. (aka: The Story Of SILK ROAD: A Journey Into The Dark
Web - How They Caught The Silk Road Kingpin by MagnatesMedia)
DISCLAIMER: I'm not a financial advisor, and this is not financial advice. I may receive a commission on
affiliate links used. All content used is within the parameters of fair use. I am not a journalist and this
video relies on secondary sources. Whilst every effort has been made to fact check those sources, this
silk road video is classified as edutainment' and should not be considered a professional documentary
The history of Silk Road and the legal issues surrounding it are complex and nuanced, so I strongly
encourage you to do your own research on the subject. (One of the most influential sources in creating
this video was the book 'American Kingpin by Nick Bilton, which I recommend checking out for further
reading on the silk road story)

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