BBC Is Still Doing The Bidding Of Hamas Denying Tunnels Under Hospital Even After Videos Confirmed

7 months ago

The BBC sounded like many of the Jew-hating Twitter accounts who came up with 1001 conspiracy theories about Hamas tunnels NOT being under the Al-Shifa hospital even though the Israel Defense Forces released photos and video clips Thursday showing what it described as Hamas "terror infrastructure" inside the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, including an "operational tunnel shaft," weapons and ammunition. The IDF said its troops were continuing to conduct "targeted activity" at the hospital — Gaza's largest health facility — which Israeli officials say Hamas has been using for military purposes in violation of international law.

The BBC was forced to apologize on Wednesday after one of its presenters said that Israel Defense Forces soldiers who had entered Shifa Hospital in Gaza “were targeting people including medical teams and Arab speakers.” Citing a Reuters news report, the presenter twice reiterated that soldiers were targeting medical teams and Arab speakers. In fact, the original Reuters report quoted an IDF statement that upon entering Gaza’s largest hospital — which Israel says houses a Hamas command center — specially trained forces were accompanied by “medical teams and Arabic-speaking soldiers [who] are on the ground to ensure that [medical] supplies reach those in need.”

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