Vivek Ramaswamy shreds CNN Trump Hater host over Trump's 'vermin' comment.

10 months ago

Nov 16, 2023
GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy clashed with CNN anchor Abby Phillip after attempting to probe him about former president Donald Trump's "vermin" comments on Veterans Day.

At a rally in New Hampshire on Saturday, Trump vowed to "root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and radical left thugs that live like vermin within our country".

Phillip dove into Trump's dicey comments, but Ramaswamy wasn't having it, accusing the CNN host of nitpicking words while real issues loomed large.

"This is a classic mainstream media move: pick some individual phrase of Donald Trump. Focus, literally, on that word rather than interrogating the substance of what’s at issue,” Ramaswamy said.

“We are in the middle of a culture war in this country."

"This is what's wrong with the mainstream media ... picking on some word that Donald Trump said on a certain day and asking me for a comment on it? Give me a break."

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