Jet Neptune vs Frank Hassle Twitter Space

1 year ago

There have been a lot of fans dissapointed with the edited version of the Fishtank Live reality show. The edits (directed by Jet Neptune) have been lack luster. The first 5 episodes we're lacking in direction and contextual clues. It's as if the show was edited to be a cahtartic experience for people who were wathcing live rather than new viewers. Which left many people dissapointed as they felt like they couldn't share the hsow with their friends.

Episode 6 however had a drastically different editing style. The episode was much longer so it felt like all the included bits had more time to breath. Jet Neptune joined a fan driven Twitter Space to talk about how he finally feels comfortable with the direction of the show. But just as Jet was having a celebratory moment of reprieve, Frank Hassle enters the chat and airs out of ton of grieveses he had, not only with episode 6, but also with Jet Neptune specifically.

Frank's issues would include, all of his biggest bits being cut from the edit and not even being present in the extra footage, but also with someone pooping in his suitcase. Now with Poopgate taking place the Twitter Space devolved into chaos.

Frank also called Jet egodriven and declaired he would not be returning for season 2 of Fishtank. Jet would make an apology days later on Sam Hyde's stream. But the return of Frank Hassle for season 2 is still unclear.

Also the Twitter Space became a quasi-reunion as it also featured appearances from Jon, Sylvia, Letty and Vance.

Jet Neptune, Frank Hassle, Fishtank Live, heated argument, Twitter Space, edited version, reality show, Frank's grievances, chaos, Poopgate, Sam Hyde, Jon, Sylvia, Letty, Vance

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