Joy ~ A Great Choice

1 year ago

I am thinking Joy is a good choice! Sometimes you have to choose JOY and that is easy to do when you are praising God and your heart is full of gratefulness. But when you are wallowing in despair and hopelessness, choosing joy can be a difficult thing. Why do we let ourselves get so far down in the pit of despair? I kind of think that when we stop being grateful, we lose our peace, it is true… when there is no thanksgiving for what God has done, there is no peace and despair slithers into our soul.

When we accept Jesus in our heart, we learn a new kind of thanksgiving that helps us fly with Jesus above all the cultural chaos. It may be noisy in joylessness, hopelessness and hard, hard things that we can’t wrap our mind around. Yet, Jesus, He lives in us, the hope of glory. Sometimes it is so hard to even hear above the noise of the cultural winds that are stirring up so much strife. Yet, we can know peace, we can know hope because as we choose to be grateful in joy and expressive in thanksgiving, our JOY is full and it is expressed as a strong light in the deep cultural darkness.

We should choose to express the JOY of Jesus in our soul, and be grateful and thankful for all He has done for us. Praise is a joy-maker! Because of Jesus, we have a future and it is not here in this noisy cultural chaos that we find ourselves in, it is the place Jesus went to prepare for us. This is the truth and we choose to cling to the truth of God and dig our life roots deeply in His Kingdom. God is a strong Rock of security for us in hard times, and we praise Him, our Rock of refuge! Yes, we take our eyes off the world and we cast our eyes up, we focus up on Jesus, and despite all the noise of the enemies wind and rain, all the darkness of the culture that our enemy has blanketed us with, all the storms that are on the horizon, despite all this, we can live in thanksgiving of Who we are and Whose we belong to, and the amazing future He has provided for us. Be grateful! Be Thankful! Be Joyful. Let be, be still and know God’s peace that disrupts the chaos of the culture! God bless you.

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