Plants vs Zombies 2 - Thymed Event - Food Fight Bonanza - November 2023

1 year ago

Food Fight Bonanza was offered between November 15, 2023 through November 26, 2023.

5,000 coin, 5 pinatas, 50 Turkey-pult seeds, 25 Nightcap seeds and 25 Cran Jelly seeds are awarded for completing this event.

These 20 levels are based around the arrival of the United States Thanksgiving and the Fall Harvest.

Rather than do all 20 levels using the same strategy, we showcase a different one for each level - all of which can be done with just the core plants. So you can choose the strategy which best suits your play-style and available plants.

00:00 Level 1 - Cran Jelly, Turkey-pult and Sweet Potato are given.
01:01 Level 2 - Sweet Potato given. Turkey-pult placed. Peashooter selected.
02:07 Level 3 - Snap Pea given.

04:08 Level 4 - Player choice. Bloomerang selected.
05:49 Level 5 - Cran Jelly given.
07:30 Level 6 - Celery Stalker given. Witch Hazel selected.

09:06 Level 7 - Lava Guava given. Bonk Choy selected.
11:22 Level 8 - Electric Fence, Solar Tomato and Electric Currant given.
14:04 Level 9 - Player choice. Lightning Reed selected.

15:20 Level 10 - Bombegranate given. Laser Bean selected.
16:56 Level 11 - Garlic given. Ultomato selected.
18:49 Level 12 - Cran Jelly given.

20:48 Level 13 - Turkey-pult placed. Turkey-pult and spikeweed selected.
21:50 Level 14 - Player choice. Fume-shroom selected.
24:14 Level 15 - Wasabi Whip and Parsnip given.

26:40 Level 16 - Sweet Potato given. Ultomato selected.
27:48 Level 17 - Coconut Cannon placed. Cran Jelly given.
28:37 Level 18 - Melon-pult placed. Primal Wall-nut and Spikerock selected.

29:29 Level 19 - Hypno-shroom given and placed.
30:37 Level 20 - Cran Jelly given. Primal Wall-nut and Spikerock selected.

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