Swapping the Starter on a 2000 Chevy Impala... (and the Adventure to Get There..)

1 year ago

Affordable Booster Pack! - https://tinyurl.com/grymloche3

Just a video of a simple starter swap. I put a disclaimer at the end to clarify that I don't want to encourage people to do dumb shit. It reads as follows:
"I'm not a role model. I'm kind of an idiot. I don't condone wreckless driving, running over people to score points, arson, or eating gas station cheeseburgers."

Why does wreckless mean "to drive poorly?" Wouldn't that be wreck-ful or wreck-more? Wreck-less, to me, should imply that one is a good driver... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Change My Mind" by Grymloche appears courtesy of Grymloche (me.)
2023 all rights reserved by Grymloche.

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