Hands on Review of the Fuji 23mm f/1.4 lens- Side by Side Comparison to the Sony Zeiss 35mm f/1.4

3 years ago

How does the 23mm Fuji lens (35mm equivalent) hold up to it’s full frame competitors like the Sony Zeiss 35mm? Wanna see comparison pics as well as finished images from model and landscape shoots? Check out the video review of this lens that shows it all to help you see what this lens can do when used with the Fuji X-S10 crop sensor body.


To see the images from this review and shoot please visit:


This lens is a little less expensive than the Sony Zeiss 35mm which I’ve used for years and is one of my favorite lenses. So I thought comparing the two lenses side by side would be beneficial because the 23mm is an equivalent of 35mm (1..5x crop factor) since it’s being used on a crop sensor body.

Below are the images from the two cameras. What do you think? Both sets of images were shot in Raw, Auto White Balance, and are completely unedited.

While filming this review at the beautiful Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah I was able to do a model shoot and some landscape photography using this lens. Those images are included in the video as well.

All in all I think this lens holds up very well against its full frame counterparts and really delivers some stunning image quality. As noted in the video it does display chromatic aberration but the Sony does so as well. And that’s easily fixed with a quick swipe of the slider in Lightroom as shown in the video. The only area where this would become an issue for both lenses would be when filming video.

I’d highly recommend this lens to anyone using the Fuji crop sensor system. I certainly was able to create some really cool pics out there in the Utah desert. A BIG thanks to my friends at AVC Photo Store and School for helping me out with the gear on this shoot. You can check them out at https://avcstore.com

Please post your comments down below and let me know what you think. Also let me know what you’d like to see in a future video. Thanks for watching my friends!


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