Oct 10 Intel Update - The Words Not Said

3 years ago

EDIT: I misspoke on the Significant Governmental Actions slide: It is the Attorney General, Merrick Garland who is the father-in-law of the dude selling CRT content, not the FBI director. Sorry for the mix up, meant to say AG, not FBI director.

00:12 - Weather
01:20 - Logistics
02:54 - Critical Infrastructure Concerns
05:31 - Significant Governmental Actions
11:42 - B1ll G@t3s
15:04 - The Words Not Said
19:57 - Significant CONUS Troop Deployments Overview
20:26 - Significant CONUS Troop Deployments - Northeast
21:38 - Significant CONUS Troop Deployments - Southeast
22:30 - Significant CONUS Troop Deployments - Midwest
22:57 - Significant CONUS Troop Deployments - Southwest
24:24 - Significant CONUS Troop Deployments - West
25:00 - Medical Mandate Slides
26:10 - International Issues
28:13 - Sources

Just a few reminders for everyone who's just become aware of us, in order to keep these briefings from being several hours long, we can't cover everything. We're probably covering 1% of the world events when we conduct these briefings, so please remember that if we left it out, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's unimportant. Also, remember that we do these briefings quite often, so we might have covered an issue previously that you might not see if you are only watching our most recent videos. We're also doing this in our spare time, so again we fully admit that these briefings aren't even close to being perfect; we're going for a healthy blend of speed and quality. If we were to wait and only post a brief when it's "perfect" we would never post anything at all. So expect some minor errors on the slides here and there. If there is a major error or correction that needs to be made, we will post it here in the description, and verbally address it in the next briefing, whenever that is. We do not have a set schedule for when these videos are published...when we get enough info that we think is worth it, we brief it. If we were bound to a schedule we would be obligated to provide fluff for the days where there isn't anything worth commenting on.

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