MK18 Mod 1 SBR Setup; Is It Worth It?

2 years ago

What is happening all you YouTube Warriors?! Thank you for stopping by the channel today and checking out the video! Today I wanted to make a video discussing my DD MK18 SBR and why you may want to SBR your AR pistol if you haven't already. I go over my setup. I also go over the service I used from Capitol Armory and the time it took to get my form 1 stamp approved. As well as the pros and cons of having an SBR lower. I hope you learned something from this video and have a greater understanding of why having an SBR is pretty awesome. I know it is bull to have to jump through these hoops just to put a stock on a AK or AK pistol but, this is the current state of affairs and you can't change anything for the better from a jail cell. So please make sure you talk to experts and do your own research before making any NFA decisions. Capitol Armory is not a sponsor of the channel but they are a wealth of knowledge and I believe in what they are doing to help people enter the NFA community. Please give them a call if you have any specific questions and tell them RangeDayBro sent you!

If it's your first time to the channel, thank you so much for stopping by! Please Like, Comment, and Subscribe! And for all my return viewers... THANK YOU for your LOYALTY you sexy YouTube Warriors!!! You guys are the real MVP's! Hope you enjoy the video and take something away from it.

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