How I LOST TWO Drones in Mexico 🇲🇽 (And Got Them Back)

2 years ago

What do you do when you lose your drone due to battery failure, and you have no GPS or tracking device to find it? 

Find out what I did to find my lost drone in the beautiful country of Mexico.  I used a second drone to recreate my flight path and when it went down due to strong winds, I was able to use the "Find My Drone" app to at least get me closer. 

Once I found that one, I put up a third to recreate the last screen on my dead drone so I could figure out where it was.

It's a fun little adventure in the life of flying drones and I hope you like it.  Wanna join me for one of my adventures?  I have events happening all over the world.  Simply visit:

#lostdrone #findmydrone #dji

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