Another Proof Insider Business Crafted Hit Piece

1 year ago

I forgot to add this to the end of my review video of the Insider Business piece they did on me. I really don’t like having to make these kinds of videos but i have to defend myself and discourage these people from thinking they can get away with manipulating others who might not have as strong of a will to defend themselves leading to even more psychological and emotional damage. I just finally got done editing the last video related to this Insider Business hit piece that ill be uploading next but this short clip that i forgot to add to the last video wasnt an appropriate fit for the next video either so is why im uploading it by itself. Now i can get back to editing my usual day in the life videos and will be uploading several this week thank you all for your patience with my lack of uploading while i dealt with all the psychological and emotional stress that the insider business hit piece and also our local mayors mob has caused me but now i feel so much relief having gotten the truth out there. Hopefully now these dishonest, manipulative people will remember me standing up for myself and the negative repercussions of their actions the next time they think about treating someone else this way!

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