I Torture test (shock) The modded Somogear peq15 to display the mods work ...

1 year ago

This unit was beat to shit with a man hammer before it would shut off
This is by no means a weak unit ...The recoil I was subjecting it to was more than a 50 BMG would produce ....They hold up ...
The trick I removed the rubber lanyard at the battery cap to allow it to add even more tension against the battery which is parallel to the bore and the recoil ...(it's a weak link) and of course I silver soldered the lead from the pc board to the battery body permanently at the groove ...

Filled and potted the interior fully with epoxy and tripoly elastomers for shock resistance .....I'm satisfied....I'll improve the mount system by attaching it directly from the interior to a dedicated QD pic base...1/2"

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