The Power of Forest Therapy -Natural Healing Breakthroughs Naturopathic Doctor Sharnael

1 year ago

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Nature is magical and mystical . Nature is alive .

I had the most profound experience just recently that honestly changed my life regarding nature and specifically trees .

I’ve studied Cleve Backster for over a decade and always had an appreciation for life in plants and nature but this went to levels that shook me to the core .

Watch and be Ignited with Illumination to forest code possibilities !!

Nori Love - Since Nori was born she has been dedicated to making a positive difference in the world. Nori has always been drawn to awakening consciousness in people, groups and communities across the planet. Her professional journey has been an exploration of realizing and grounding her calling through healing, entrepreneurship, innovation, writing, coaching and healing artistry. Nori has her RN degree and license, is a double certified Law of Attraction Coach, a certified Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master/Teacher. She constantly seeks a closer walk with God and to know God deeper. This—along with gifts, wisdom and spirituality have included her in the realm of Christian Mystic.

Aage Nost – Aage was born on a farm in Norway, in Northern Europe. He had to take over much of the work and management of the farm at an early age as a teen–ager. While still a teenager, he had learned Hypnosis from a magician in Europe. After graduation from Agricultural College, He operated the family farm for several years, in Norway. He spent one year in mandatory military service, driving a battle-tank, in his country of birth; Norway. By the age of 25 he had learned several languages, studied science including Metaphysics and different forms and theories of Spirituality. In July, 2003 he was interviewed by BBC Television in England, for a TV Documentary titled: “Time Trip”, discussing the possibilities of, and practical applications of Time Travel. Others interviewed for the same Documentary was Theoretical Physicist and author Michio Kaku, and three other Theoretical Physicists.

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon - founder of Dr. Sharnael True TV & Swiftfire International, author, naturopathic doctor, and conference speaker specializes in igniting all to TRUTH and TRUE wholeness path mind, body and spirit. Dr. Sharnael has done this through speaking in over 44 countries, writing 5 books including “The Science of Miracles”, producing her Crystal Oils and Decree Deck, and using online classes, social media, and Swiftfire TrueTv. Dr. Sharnael True TV focus is bringing light and healthy conversation to topics in current world events and issues many are facing today, as well as the resolutions to these issues.

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