The Agenda to Exterminate Blacks: Hillary Clinton 🩸

1 year ago

The Wikileaks email revelations of Hillary and Bill Clinton, their campaign chairman John Podesta, and others in their devious campaign team have unearthed crime after crime. But all pale in comparison with the monumental exposé of emails regarding what is now referred to as PizzzaGate.
PizzzaGate is real. In the sad and tragic chronicle of criminal acts laid bare by PizzaGate, we discover Hillary, Bill, and hundreds of others participating in the most cruel, barbaric, and depraved conduct. Child molestation and abuse seems to be widespread. Horrors multiply. It’s all here. Satanic orgies, terrific monstrosities, even occult murders.

After Wikileaks revealed the depth of this unimaginable occult sex scandal, the depraved liberal news corps—the liars in Washington, D.C. and their online cohorts like Google, Yahoo, and Facebook—went to work. They have done their best to divert attention from PizzzaGate and to cover-up the terror done to children. But they are complicit. So, too, are leagues of politicians—Senators, Congressmen, etc.

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