What Past Life Connection Is In Your Life Presently? Reading 📖 Pick A Pile (Timeless)

8 months ago

Welcome Back Awakened Intuitives And Always Welcome To Any New Awakened Intuitives!! 🙌🏻

What Past Life Is Resonating In Your Life At The Moment?📖 Pick A Pile Reading (Timeless)

-Singing Bowl 2:00
-General Energetic Messages 3:40
-Pick Your Pile 8:50
-Pile #1 13:04
-Pile #2 54:00
-Pile #3 1:37:30

Take What Resonates And Leave What May Not
Use Your Discernment 💫

*All For Entertainment Purposes Only*

*I Do Not Own The Rights To The Music*

***For FREE READINGS you can get ahold of me here: awakenedintuitives10@yahoo.com

*You can also follow me over on my Youtube Channel Here: https://youtu.be/F-dqCcInDgw?si=Lx4YTaECUOzWoKgi

*You can follow me on my Telegram Channel Here: https://t.me/AwakenedIntuitivesTarot

*You can follow me on my Tiktok Here: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTR5w5JGd/

*You can follow me on my Facebook Page Here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/706325003965808/?ref=share

*You can Follow me over on my Snapchat Here: https://t.snapchat.com/nwwqVOU5

*Donations For My Readings Here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=L2NGE46B2AJJW

*If Interested in Crystal Medicine Healing Jewelry! https://youtube.com/@CrystalMedicinehealingjewery

*Also Check Out My Uncles Blue Emerald Alchemy Pages Here ⬇️
*Website: https://blueemeraldalchemy.com/?fbclid=PAAaYLzxF4rnnipjeeidjCVoa8CDE7Cg2qzosYdCiYbwzCSZTFsY1IPbceAHs
*Instagram: https://instagram.com/blueemeraldalchemy?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theblueemeraldalchemy?mibextid=LQQJ4d

*Decks Used
-Angel Wisdom Cards
-Awakened Dreamer Oracle
-Shaman Wisdom Cards
-Angels and Ancestors Oracle
-Uncover Your Past Lives Oracle
-Sacred Sites Oracle
-Enchanted Map Oracle
-The Citadel Oracle
-Sweet Ass Affirmations
-Shadowscapes Tarot
-Wild Mystic Oracle
-Magical Nordic Tarot
-Crystal Medicine Oracle
-The Muse Tarot
-Untamed Elemental Oracle

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