The Medical Wonders of Cayenne Pepper!!!

1 year ago

• Cayenne Pepper Heals stomach ulcer’s
• Cayenne Pepper heals & binds wounds
• Cayenne Pepper is one of the best Blood Circulatory stimulants
• Cayenne Pepper is an amazing Blood Thinner! Can help with heart attacks by thinning the blood and dilating the arteries
— If you’re on a blood thinner such as Warfarin, (rat poison) start taking a quarter of a teaspoon 3 times a day and over the next few weeks your doctor will say your blood is getting so thin that’s e can reduce your medication.
• Cayenne Pepper can wake up parts of the body that are sleeping (loss of feeling) & help with cold feet
• Cayenne Pepper can wake up a thyroid gland

Psalm 104:14
He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;

• Epsom Salt is one of the best things to use for a burn.
• Aspirin causes brain bleeds. Stop taking it.
• 5 Brazilian walnuts a day to supply all the iodine your body needs
• Aloe vera (Leaf) has a powerful growth stimulant and can repair wounds

The Flue Bomb:
• Garlic (1 clove crushed)
• Ginger (1/4 tspn chopped)
• Lemon (1 juice)
• Honey (1 tspn)
• eucalyptus oil (1 drop)
• Cayenne Pepper (as much as you can handle)

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