Nikki Haley is not her real name of course, its a pseudonym

8 months ago

Nikki Haley is not her real name of course, its a pseudonym. She's not even using her real name and telling us we have to register with the government under our real names in order to give our opinions... It's fascism actually.
She isn't looking to actually win. She doesn't want to become President. She wants to secure certain contracts after she leaves the stage and she loses. For her the motive are the relationships she's going to build, the money she's going to earn. As evidenced by the fact that when Nikki Haley left her ambassadorship she was broke and now she is a multi millionaire. So her concerns are not about American citizens whatsoever which is why it's all about cow towing to people who can write her the biggest checks.."

Always follow the money and you'll see where these people's true motivations lie. Notice how Trump ended up losing millions when he became President yet Obama and all his peers ended up becoming rich after their tenure. It pays to sell out the people.

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