This AR cat is the cutest new thing.

6 years ago

You won't believe how realistic this is! With this new iphone app called "Meow" you can take your adorable little virtual kitty anywhere with you! You can feed him, and play with him using a laser pointer. It may seem simple, but this app is incredibly advanced and one of the first of its kind.
Augmented Reality (AR) is the hottest new thing in smart phones today. With the new algorithms that are coming out with the newest phone updates, app makers are now able to place virtual objects in the real world! And not just a plopping an image in front of your camera like Pokemon go, I mean REALLY place them there! The camera can track what is the "ground" in the room, and the cat will stick to the ground. You can go up close to the cat, move all around him, and go far away, and he will stay right there where you placed him. It really feels like he is sitting there. Its hard to resist the urge to put your hand out and pet him. He will follow you and look up at you too if he wants something. He will also respond to you when you call his name! Make sure to feed and play with him regularily! This new technology is truly incredible and for cat/tech lovers you will just love playing with this app! Best of all, the app is FREE! They are always adding cool new updates sow why not try it out?
What do you think of this cool new app? let us know in the comments!

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