1 year ago



Implants and devices of spiritual limitation are vibratory barriers placed in the path of Ascension that block the process for full self-faculty. They block your path by placing you for sale as a commodity and creating false realities in your consciousness, thus limiting your access to your Higher Being.
These are external control mechanisms of the Dark Forces that keep you anchored in a dual reality.
There are still many types, purposes and causes, all of which work as unconscious channels of negative energy in your life and represent karmic bandages and associations that need to be healed and rectified.


Implants represent collective karmic patterns that have been externally imposed by the Dark Forces in an attempt to control humanity's thinking and emotional responses. Through the history of this sector of the Universe, there have been many dual realities (good and evil). We, as Lightworkers, have lived in many of these realities. We are now approaching the time of fulfillment and ascension for this planet, so we must again be free to return to our full faculty state, taking the planet and its inhabitants with us. Whenever we enter a new planetary system to save it from the Dark Forces, it is necessary for us to associate with the life experience of that planet so that we can change it from within. Embodying a dual reality, appropriating our own dysfunction, rising up and returning to the Source is a sacred act.


Dark forces are beings who do not honor God the Father and Mother as creator Source. They seek to capture energy and power from other beings instead of receiving it from Source . Although these beings were created from Source, through their own free will, they participated in the illusion of separation from Source and opposed His creations at the level of duality. In their pain they seek control of others. One way to achieve this is through implants.


Implants are received in different ways, in many different situations, locations and situations and times. There are different types of implants and purposes. Some types are the product of interactions during the many battles with the dark forces, in the different planetary systems in duality, beginning with the Battle of Orion. We have all been caught many times in this or other lifetimes and have been subject to implants of one type or another.
These implants are soul karma that we have charged from one incarnation to another. Once we are incarnated on this planet the battles of duality will continue. Dragons and reptiloids invaded this planet during the time of Lemuria and have been in control of this planet ever since. After the main fall of Lemuria, Atlantis also fell. The government prevented the use of your magical-spiritual powers. They used implants to strengthen their control.
Some times the implantation processes would kill the body and you would awaken only in a later incarnation, without power or memory. Do this for a few lifetimes and you will have modern man with very little awareness of his true spiritual power. The latest form in which you have received implants is through associations with different spiritual organizations of a negative nature, including any religion or sect that uses mind control and fear to strengthen control over its members. This concerns all major religious institutions, as well as the more obvious black magic societies, which have used vows, agreements and control mechanisms aimed at exerting control over its members. These vows of loyalty persist until they are revoked. This energy must be transmuted.

Implants are received through the subtle bodies and control our access to higher frequencies. When our vibrations fall to the level of duality and we believe in the illusion of separation from Source, we are susceptible. Since humanity all of one is in a dual reality and has acquired the illusion of separation from Source, we are all living under the influence of some kind of spiritual limiting implant or device. We all fear it as long as we are aware of it. Remember that those who implant us want to control us and make us believe that we are not One with our Creator. If we know we are One with the Creator we become a threat to them.


Since we, as Lightworkers, have been compromised in many duality battles in different planetary systems, we have all been caught many times and have been, in one way or another, subject to being implanted. The question is not "Do I have implants?" but "What implants do I have and how do I dispose of them?"
If you are on this planet surely you have had them or have them. And if you have had them and used some method to remove them surely in you still have some that have not been removed that you are not aware of. There are millions of implants. This process will simultaneously clean all varieties of known and unknown plants, for all time periods, sizes, and locations. There is also a protection that is built in with this process (when you receive liberation through a personal transmission) to protect you against any intent of any person who wants to implant you again.


Most mediums are also implanted and therefore cannot see them. One must have a special ascension-oriented perspective to be aware of these implants and special knowledge to dispose of them.


Implants play a primary role in karma that needs to be resolved from one lifetime to the next. When you have implants you are locked into the wheel of reincarnation to dissolve karma, making it easy to control the dark forces. This is a very clever way to guarantee the enslaved state of the planet forever. So it has been until now. To ascend to its I AM Presence, the soul must balance all karma, all implants must be removed.
Although there were individuals who ascended since the time of Jesus, this has been a rare success until now. Planet Earth made the decision to ascend to a fifth-dimensional reality. Grace has extended to absolve all karma for those who choose to ascend with Earth. Part of the Grace involves liberation from implants.


This process cleanses all known and unknown spiritual limiting implants and devices, spiritual weapons, mental and emotional body parasites, bound entities, thought forms of all kinds (including curses, enchantments and fetishes) and the vows and agreements that keep the devices within you.

- Duality battle implants were created in wars in Orion, Sirius, the planet Mallona, Arcturus and the Pleiades system.
- The implants of Earth history were created in societies, such as the Lemurians and Atlanteans. These as well include all forms of self-imposed limitation, magical impediments, three-dimensional crystal implants and the 666 codes of limitation.
- Living implants exist in the mental and emotional bodies of victims and are called mental or emotional body parasites. They can be the spiritual cause of many physical infirmities.
- Spiritual weapons are a type of psychic armament that manifests in the energy field as a kind of weapon (some of which are very exotic). These devices can represent past life traumas and memories of having murdered with a weapon or of the device that is implanted. They can represent current negative vibrations sent by other people to you. They can cause chronic pain in the body.
- Entities are any disembodied spirit with any link or cord that connects with you. These entities can be from current or past life. It is possible to be surrounded by entities from your past life or the past life of another.
- Thought forms used in this context are any negative thoughts sent to you in an evil form, curse, fetishes, conspiracies, etc.
Reptilian Dragon Greys are the active extraterrestrial forces that follow Earth and implant people in the form of psychic attack (Editor's note: the greys, who used to do abductions, have not been on Earth for some time). You can feel aching in your head, negative energy blasts or low vibration emotions move through you.
Spiritual limitation devices consist of vows and or contracts made with negative spiritual brotherhoods, profane alliances or associations when you have been without guidance or separated from Source. These vows and agreements will affect you until they are eliminated, because they leave you open to the claims of the beings of these organizations. They access you in the dream state or inner planes and are the main causes of spiritual interference in your life on the physical and psychic levels. These vows may as well include vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, etc.
It is the agreements or contracts of implants that feed them in your place, and cause you to regress to the third dimension if they have not been completely rejected. This is the main conscious purpose of the liberation process. Karmic bonds are past life associations with individuals or places that express themselves through your present relationships and affect them in a negative form.

When you are ready to remove the implants:

1) Take two hours for this process. Or start the process an hour before bedtime. Unplug your phone and do your best not to be disturbed;
2) Gather you in your private space. If you sleep with someone, do not do it together or go to sleep earlier (as indicated above). This session requires conscious consent for it to work;
3) The first 15 minutes of the session consist of listening (or reading) and repeating the vow waiver. This is very important and requires your conscious participation. Revocation of vows is a sacred process and will be given to you personally, but will be imprinted at the end of this document for reference;
4) Allow yourself to be in a state of concession and surrender.


1) Sensations and movement of energy in and around your body are normal. If at any time during the process you feel tension in any part of your body, relax, breathe and think: FREE;
2) Mental conversations, restlessness, strong emotions and again, nausea and stomach problems may arise. These are normal. Relax, breathe and think: FREE;
3) You may have visions of different rotating colors, especially violet and blue;
4) After finishing with the revocation of vows and accepting liberation from implants, a drowsy, altered state may occur. During this time the Masters and ethereal surgeons are working with you outside the body;
5) Do not hope for anything. What you experience is appropriate for you, since this process is deeply personal and different for everyone with different experiences. This is good and does not mean that you are doing anything wrong.
Well are you ready? Let's get started! Your compromise for your growth and walk in service to the world is commendable!
Out loud I revoke the vows as follows:



I appeal to Christ to calm my fears and to nullify any external mechanism that may interfere with this cure.
I ask my Higher Being to close my aura and to establish a Christlike channel for the purposes of my cure, so that only Christlike energies may flow down to me. No other use can be made of this channel than the flow of Christianized energies.
Imagine a clockwise rotation of a violet energy around your body and everything in the immediate vicinity. The rotating energy will continue throughout an hour and a half or throughout the night if you are doing the process before you sleep.
I appeal to Archangel Michael to completely seal and protect this sacred experience from the Thirteenth Dimension.
I appeal to the Circle of Safety to, from the thirteenth dimension, remove anything that currently exists within this field that is not of a Christianized nature, seal, protect and completely increase Michael's shield.
I call upon the Ascended Masters and Christianized assistants, who are waiting in the spaceships, to remove and dissolve completely, each and every one of the inseminated, parasitic implants and energies, and the spiritual weapons and self-imposed limiting devices, both known and unknown.
Once this is completed, I require the complete restoration and repair of the original energy field, infused with the golden energy of the Christ. Repeat the following:

I AM free! I AM free! I AM free!
I AM free! I AM free!
I AM free! I AM free!

For this cure to be permanent we must close the doors that allowed it in the first place.


"I, being known in this particular incarnation as (declares your name), do hereby revoke and renounce each and every one of the pledges of allegiance, vows, agreements and or contracts of membership that now no longer serve my highest good, in this life, past lives, simultaneous lives, in all dimensions, time periods and places or anywhere in the Mind of God.
I now command all entities that are connected with these contracts, organizations and associations that I now renounce, that they cease and desist and leave my energy field now and forever and retroactively, taking their associated artifacts, devices and energies.
To ensure this, I now call upon the Holy Spirit to witness the dissolution of all contracts, devices and associated energies that do not honor God the Father and Mother. This includes all covenants and beings that do not honor God the Father and Mother as Supreme.
I further request that the Holy Spirit witness the complete release of all contracts, devices and associated energies, both known and unknown, that break the will of God the Father and Mother.
I declare this valid also for the past and the future.
I now reaffirm my covenant with Mother and Father God through the Office of Christ and return to dedicate my whole being, my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being and dream identities to the vibration of Christ from this time forward and in the past.
And I also dedicate my life, my work, everything I think, say or do and all things in my environment that serve me, to the Christ vibration.
I then dedicate my being to my own mastery and the path of ascension, as much of the planet as my own.
Having declared all this I now authorize Christ and my own Higher Being to make changes in my life to fit this new dedication and I ask the Holy Spirit to witness this as well.
I now declare this to the male and female flames of the Source. Let it be written in the Book of Life. Let it be so. Thank you."


Now, allow yourself to cure and forgive collectively all those aspects of you who made the arrangements, and to all those who participated in some way in your limitation. Please include in this prayer of forgiveness those whom you want to be consciously forgiven, as well as those who are unknown to you.
"To the Universe and to the Mind of the Supreme whole and to each being therein, to all places where I have been, experiences in which I have participated and all beings in need of this care, whether known or unknown to me. Whatever is maintained between us, I now cure and forgive.
I call upon the Holy Spirit, Lord Metatron, Lord Maitreya and Saint Germain to help and assist this cure.
My beloved ones, I forgive you, for all that can be forgiven between you and Me.
I ask you to forgive Me, for all that can be forgiven between you and Me.
More importantly, I forgive myself, for all that needs to be forgiven between my previous incarnations and my Higher Being.
We are now collectively healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven.
We are all now elevated to our Christ Beings.
We are filled and surrounded with the golden love of Christ.
We are filled and surrounded with the golden Light of Christ.
We are free from all third- and fourth-dimensional vibrations of fear, sorrow and anger.
All psychic cords and bonds joined to these entities, implanted devices, contracts or associated energies are now freed and healed.
I now call upon Saint Germain to transmute and rectify with the Violet Flame all my energies that were taken from me and return them to me now in their purified state.
After the return of these energies to me, I ask that these channels through which my energy was being stopped be dissolved completely.
I ask Lord Metatron to free us from the chains of duality.
I ask that the seal of the Dominion of the Christ be placed upon me. I ask the Holy Spirit to witness this fulfillment.
And so IT IS.
I now ask the Christ to be with me and heal my wounds and scars.
I ask Archangel Michael to imprint his mark upon me, that I may be protected forever from the influences that prevent me from doing the will of our Creator.
So be it !
I acknowledge the Source, the Ascended Masters, Ashtar Command, the Angels and Archangels and all others who have participated in this continuous healing and elevation of my being.
Selah. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Supreme Lord of the Universe !"


Do not move for an hour and a half. Rest in the arms of the Radiant while the Etheric Surgeons of Ashtar Command completely remove the implants. You may wish to sleep, resting secure in the knowledge that you are on the path of Ascension and no one can interfere with the attainment of your Mastery!


This treatment takes place in a 21-day cleansing cycle that will continue opening your life in many forms. In the first or second week you may have unusual dreams. This is a natural detoxification period. Or you may not dream at all, doing very deep process work.
Either way, don't worry, both are normal conditions. Pay particular attention in the way your perceptions may change. Don't be surprised if you see the world much brighter and feel secure in it. People may appear friendlier and areas may open up that were initially closed to you. Some time must pass, at least 30 days, before you can totally understand the different ways in which your life and yourself have been changed.
Certain benefits of this process include:
1) Feelings of inner calm and clarity;
2) A calmer inner mental conversation;
3) Inner tension no longer exists;
4) You gain or improve the ability to channel;
5) A feeling of a new sense of purpose and meaning in life;
6) Feelings of love, peace and jubilation;
7) Life improves in all areas;
8) Sense of Oneness, elevated spiritual consciousness;
9) Dissolution of non-productive relationships.
You are now protected from implants, because after revoking all past vows, your free will and desire to remain free from implants and devices will prevent you from being implanted again. You will also be aggregated to Asthar's protection network. When necessary it will be seen ethereally as a wide golden belt moving defensively around your energy field.
However, conscious free will and subconscious resistance can override the release of all vows. Make sure your intention is to release ALL vows and agreements. If you are not sure, repeat the vow release until you feel absolutely clear and determined.


As a channel you will find this process of particular importance. Implants block your clarity and disrupt your channel and connection with your higher being. It is like having jammed phone lines that block access to higher vibrations and are a source of misinformation and mixed communications. Insist that you receive only Christ vibration communications.
You have a great responsibility for yourself and for those who hear information from you. Because the implants have been with you for so long, the beings who transmitted them perceive themselves as familiar.
After doing this treatment you will be willing to go back and challenge your sources. If you find that one or more of your guides have left, know that guides of higher vibration will come to replace them. Even famous and experienced channels can be deceived by their guides.
Being a channel does not guarantee quality. Remember: the clarity of a channel depends only on how clear the receiver is!
For curators:
When you are channeling or healing, your energy field should be as clear as possible. It is possible to transmit implants, without knowing it, from one person to another. As a healer you may have been hit a few times by the negativity of your patients. You may feel like a negative blow, head pain or low vibration emotions move within you. As long as you hold your facilities you will be prone to remain at the extreme of give or take.
To protect your clients, do this procedure of implant revocation in yourself and then, when you are ready, help your patients and teach them how to remove their implants themselves. Implant release must be part of any healing practice.


You can patronize a person or child, spouse or adult, incapacitated or infirm. You can revoke vows for them, since you have the spiritual authority to implement in their name (because they are in your life and you are together for some reason, perhaps just this healing reason!) It is preferable to have consent on the physical level of the person doing the revocation of vows and release from implants, but some times this consent is not possible. Keep in mind the Universal Law of Free Will which declares that it is not possible to interfere with the growth of others unless they allow it. Permission is implied by those who are unable to receive it due to physical incapacity or other reasons.
Deep thanks for the Essenia Star, Temple of Ascension Mastery, from where this work is greatly derived. High praise to the Creator, Ascended Masters, Ashtar Command, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, without whom Ascension would be very difficult!

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