Brett Favre's Masonic Welfare Game

9 months ago

Brett Favre 10/10/1969-4/20/2017-Paul Bryant learns of Favre’s Volleyball Stadium intentions. Separation of 666 within hours.
47 years. Freemason Compass 47 degrees.
19 days 11 months between.

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-Brett Favre first sought money on 7/28/2019.
For a new Football facility. Separation of 11 in days 1 month between.
Favre is ordered to repay a $1.1M in welfare money.

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-Human Services were involved as of a date on 7/16/2019.
Separation of 47 in hours. 624 in months.
Freemason Compass= 47 degrees.
302 years 22 days between. Skull and Bones= 322.
Brett Lorenzo Favre= 222.
Ancient Order of Druids= 222.

Brett Favre 10/10/1969-9/4/2019-Favre and Paul Bryant meet with Human Services.
Separation of 624 in minutes. Freemasonry 624.
18 in days. $1.8M+ was committed to this project.

Mississippi 12/10/1817-5/10/2022-Lawsuit Scandal begins.
Separation of 10,666 weeks.
Mississippi started on 10th.
Favre born on 10th,
Lawsuit begins on 10th date.
5 months between. Funnel amount $5M.
Favre repaid $600K.

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-5/10/2022.
Separation of 111 in days. Favre is ordered to repay a $1.1M in welfare money.

Brett Favre 10/10/1969-8/4/2017.
Separation of 47 years.
Freemason Compass= 47 degrees.

Mississippi 12/10/1817-8/4/2017.
Separation of 624 in minutes. Freemasonry 624.

501 in hours.
Illuminati started on 501.
Reply Time 1:20.
Illuminati= 120.

Favre replies at 1:21.
Fellowcraft= 121.
175 also in hours. Freemasonry began on 175th day.
Brett Favre wears 4. Freemasonry began on 4th day of the week. Thursday.

Freemasonry 6/24/1717-8/4/2017.
Separation of 1 month 11 days between.
Favre is ordered to repay a $1.1M in welfare money.
600 ends in seconds. Favre has repaid $600K.
47 appears in seconds. Freemason Compass= 47 degrees.

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