Is America Already a Police State? | Dinesh D'Souza | EP 253

7 months ago

Is America a "Police State?" Not yet, but we are on our way according to author, filmmaker and political commentator Dinesh D'Souza. He joined AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber on the Better For America podcast to discuss the rising threat America faces from within. D'Souza believes America is not quite yet a "full-fledged" police state, but is rather in the middle stages of becoming one. While his ability to continue speaking and making films about this threat proves we are not yet there, he notes that the rhetoric being used that aims to hide the true intentions of our government such as "preserving democracy" is evidence that America is going down a similar path of nations such as China, North Korea, and the old Soviet Union. Tune into hear D'Souza's full appearance on BFA, as you won't want to miss what he has to say about his most recently released film, "Police State."

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