No Wonder Biden Thinks 'Bidenomics' Is Working ('Exclusive Party For The Elites' Tone Deaf Alert)

10 months ago

Average Americans are struggling to afford groceries & gas, but the economic weather remains fantastic inside the rich lib elite bubble, as evidenced yesterday at a shindig after President Biden's meeting with China's Xi Jinping. Biden might think "Bidenomics" is working because it most certainly seems to be for certain people: List of elite American executives dining with genocidal communist “Guest of Honor” Xi Jinping last night for $40,000 in San Francisco. - Tim Cook @Apple - Stephen Schwarzman @blackstone - Larry Fink @BlackRock - Stanley Deal @Boeing - Merit Janow @Mastercard - Milind Pant @amway - Darius Adamczyk @honeywell - Hock Tan @Broadcom - Robert Goldstein @LasVegasSands - Joseph Bae @KKR_Co - Daniel O’Day @GileadSciences - Ming Hsieh @FulgentGenetics --

Last Night: Biden celebrates his reunion with his old friend Xi Jinping by throwing an exclusive party for elites only — featuring a Gwen Stefani concert and a fireworks show. Our tax dollars are hard at work here! We're only $33 trillion in debt, so why not? (Cue massive eye roll) The homeless people Newsom and S.F. prog leadership removed from the streets for Xi's visit missed quite a show.

• More at: Twitchy - No Wonder Biden Thinks 'Bidenomics' is Working ('Exclusive Party for the Elites' Tone Deaf Alert)

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