The Globalist Final Play Video Series (Parts 1-5)

8 months ago

As the truth about the anti-human globalist elites running our world today is revealed in the present, it provides us the opportunity to reevaluate the past and gain new understanding from our own first person witnessing of history as it unfolded. The history of the world is actually a history of globalist terrorism against the people of the world.

Looking back at events like 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing and World War II brings new clarity through today’s perspective. Nearly every crisis we’ve all lived through was engineered on purpose and unleashed to achieve a globalist goal of profit, power or depopulation. There are almost no acts of actual terrorism committed by individuals or groups that weren’t directly run by governments or funded by globalist operators.

It appears the globalists are ready to play the “end game” card against humanity and go for a total civilization takedown. This means disrupting or destroying the food supply chain, the power grid, telecommunications, monetary systems and the rule of law. The goal is absolute chaos resulting in mass death on a global scale, and the more chaos they can unleash in this manner, the more easily they can cover up their crimes.

The next attack vector will be one or more of the following: A staged cyber attack on the financial infrastructure, A deliberate takedown of the power grid, A telecom “kill switch, A deliberate release of a highly aggressive pathogen Domestic terrorism false flag operations, Provoking war with Russia or China, The suspension of fair and free elections, the invocation of medical martial law, mass weapon confiscation, domestic checkpoints, adult death camps and similar operations.

The next play will be the FINAL play against humanity… there won’t even be any attempt to hide their real motivations. The timeline for this is obviously approaching very quickly because globalists are being forced to act because the awakening is accelerating. The globalists narratives are collapsing. Humanity is beginning to rise up against tyranny. Censorship efforts have failed to stop the truth. And the truth will prevail.

Source article: Natural News, By de-cloaking, the demons running the global depopulation campaign just telegraphed their exact plans for 2022 – 2024 -

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