Israel's Military Ops Will Grant It Some Control Of Northern Gaza But Won't End Hamas

7 months ago

#Israel's Military Ops Will Grant It Some Control Of Northern #Gaza But Won't End #Hamas

Leaving aside each faction's public relations on who is winning, it's clear the incessant Israeli air strikes have created a massive #humanitarian #crisis for the two million #Palestinians in #Gaza. It is observed that Israel's military operations seem to primarily target #NorthernGaza. Critics argue that this indicates a strategic interest in controlling this specific area rather than genuinely intending to eliminate Hamas as a whole. By concentrating their efforts on Northern Gaza, Israel may seek to establish control and limit the influence of Hamas in this region.

Israel's actions in Gaza are part of a larger geopolitical context as Israel's provocation in the region is meant to pose a threat to the ongoing transformation of the middle east away from US influence and towards a more #multipolar balance of power. The repairing of relations between traditionally hostile nations, such as #SaudiArabia, #Iran, and #Syria, is seen as a significant development that Israel's actions may jeopardize.

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