Biden staking ‘credibility’ on Israeli intelligence Analysis

7 months ago

The US president is risking his reputation on Israeli intelligence, says Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept, a US news outlet.
Israeli forces began their raid of al-Shifa Hospital on Wednesday after long alleging that it housed a Hamas “command centre”. Biden later backed the Israeli assertion.
“The Israelis have a multi-decade track record of lying, of promoting false information, releasing doctored videos … so this is a real gamble, and I think that what we’ve seen is Joe Biden using his bully pulpit as the most powerful leader of the most powerful country in the world to give cover for the Israelis to continue their rampage,” Scahill told Al Jazeera.
“I watched the so-called evidence the Israelis have released, and I’m an American from the United States, and I’ve seen more guns in the homes of ordinary Americans than in this Hamas purported pentagon under al-Shifa hospital,” he added.

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