Ramona: "I used vaginal ozone insufflations for cervical cancer"

7 months ago

Update Nov, 2023: This is a backup from Youtube, since they announced that they will be censoring all ozone therapy related videos.
Ramona recounts how she used vaginal ozone insufflations to treat advanced cervical cancer.

When she was diagnosed in August 2018 she was bleeding so profusely that the doctor could not examine her properly.

She was instructed to get a CAT scan, a deep tissue biopsy, chemotherapy and radiation.

She refused all of those things. Instead she changed her diet to match her metabolic type which consisted mostly of eating meat every day, “fat bombs” made of coconut and ghee, some vegetables, and no or minimal fruit.

She was also taking pancreatic enzymes, tons of Vitamins, Boswellia, Chinese herbs, and finally ozone.

She began with daily vaginal ozone insufflations in December 2019 and shortly afterwards had the feeling as if the tumor had "popped" or drained.

She continued with the daily ozone treatments over the following months. Every month she would experience less and less bleeding until April 2020 when she did not have a single bleeding incident for the first time since the diagnosis. She has since been symptom free.

Ramona can be contacted at ramonajan [at] yahoo.com. She works with clients interested in metabolic typing.

This is the Promolife Single Cell ozone generator which Ramona used: https://thepowerofozone.com/PLsingle

(In the video I say at least 10 times "incidence" although I meant to say "incident".)


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