Calling the party of abortion "party of life"? + 20 million unborn Black babies killed since 1973.

8 months ago

What kind of fcuking drugs are those morons on? Their "leaders" support the killing in mass of the minorities non-born, roll over fortunes ranking from $28.000.000 to $250.000.000, strange notion of equlaity, fomented the Ukraine coup that lead to the war, is that the party of peace? Supports nazis in Ukraine and supported parties co-founded by antisemitic close to Mussolini and Hitler for years, Fatah and Hamas. And they DARE calling themselves communist or socialist? Those are the new breed of neo-fascist, ignorant, uneducated, emotionally compromised fake lefties. I thought Greta Thunberg was retarded but at least, she is disable. All those idiots needs to go back to school and get off their drugs.
Source: 'Pro-terrorist protesters' turn violent in Washington, DC. Sky News Australia

Black Abortions By The Numbers.

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