Detroit Bus Drivers Staged A Massive Sick-Out So Jews Couldn't Attend The Massive Rally In D.C.

10 months ago

Hundreds of Jewish people headed to a pro-Israel rally in Washington, D.C., were left stranded at the airport after bus drivers staged a 'deliberate and malicious walkout' and refused to take them to the massive gathering. Protesters were left waiting at Dulles Airport for more than three hours after their transportation failed to show up, the Jewish Federation of Detroit said.

The organization had chartered three flights from the Motor City to take around 900 Israel supporters to the rally on Tuesday. But the counter-protest by the drivers meant that just a handful made it to the march after many of the buses failed to arrive at the scheduled 10.30am pick-up time. A 'significant' number of people did not make it to the march at the capital, David Kurzmann, senior director of community affairs at the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, told the Detroit News.

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