Trump - The Insider

7 months ago

In the UK we have Transport ministers who have probably never taken a bus, Health ministers who are obese, Education ministers who are thick as pig shit. How long do people need to watch the dog chasing its tail before you wake up to the circus? To fix something that is broken you must have knowledge of what's broken and how you intend to fix. To fix the evil in the world you must recognise there is evil to begin with, this may sound obvious but even in Nov 2023 there are MANY people who STILL cannot recognise genocide, the cannot see election fraud, they cannot see debt-slavery. Trump has been inside the club for decades, he has seen the evil, the corruption, and more, now ask yourself....does he have the qualifications to fix it? Damn right he does. He and I'm sure there are others have been deep in the pit of vipers for decades, why do you think everyone in the scumbag mockingbird media turned against him. The only people who should be scared today are those who were engaged in..

crimes against humanity
satanic ritual abuse
medical malpractice
child trafficking/human trafficking
organ harvesting
money laundering
financial fraud/stock market rigging
ideological subversion
war mongering/profiteering
embezzlement can probably add a few more

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